

DJ Hawaii  曲風:Deep House/ Minimal Tech House

從小因為受L.A. BOYZ (洛城三兄弟) 的影響關係,開始喜歡聽熱鬧舞曲類音樂以及黑人Hip-hop、Rap、R&B音樂。1996年開始注意到一些特別的電子音樂及電子舞曲。1998年開始聽搖滾,因為喜 歡龐克搖滾及玩滑板的關係。2003年因為自己 組的樂團解散後,由台中知名DJ 唱片行,藍色唱片行JJ引導及介紹後,開始接觸DJing的生活至今。電音類型喜愛90's年代中期~2000年初期的Techno、Minimal以及Tech- house。 Panda中部新生代DJ,行事作風低調的音樂人,不侷限於音樂形式的表演模式深受國際級電子音樂風潮的洗禮,前衛的選取思維與及充滿實驗性與律動感的節拍混種模式, 他對音樂的熱情無庸置疑! 從之前的trance的曲風轉變成為到現在的techno硬漢,可愛的舞台魅力以及極為豐富的肢體語言更加深他在舞客心中的印象! 他絕對是舞池的最佳殺手!

Fiveon A.K.A Eddie Hu/Revox Records

以優雅、極簡的態度,創作出一首首精采的Progressive、 Tech House、 Minimal Techno舞曲。發行Still EP獲得極高肯定,單曲STILL –Original Mix, 也被數個音樂網站選為推荐單曲!於2010年開始,Fiveon主導回聲唱片Side Label – ZERO JUSTICE DIGITAL.致力於發表TECHNO.MINIMAL、TECH HOUSE類原創音樂以及成功主辦系列派對TECH IN HOUSE.獲得不錯的迴響!Fiveon於現場DJ上也致力於嘗試創新的數位演出方式,以數位DJ軟硬體效果器運用,並搭配Drum Machine的演出方式,為他的現場演出帶來更多的驚喜!

About FiveonFiveon is a renowned internationally dance music producer who has been influencing global dance music scene by his exceptional graceful and elegant dance music in the style of Progressive, Tech House and Minimal Techno. He has won highly reputation by releasing” Still EP which is also being featured EP by several numbers of music website. In 2010, Fiveon established his side label “ ZERO JUSTICE DIGITAL”, He has been devoting to release his original sound in MINIMAL TECHNO TECH HOUSE MUISC. He always push him self to create more possibilities in the way of his live performance that he has been using digital technology along with special sound effect and Drum Machine to make music lovers enjoy his exclusive performance.


Stanley KO

日前駐場於MoS Taipei的Stanley Ko來自2006豔夏沙攤音樂大賞冠軍。曾與 John Digweed、Dave Seaman、Phil K、Thomas Penton等國際級藝人同台演出,生長於台北的他在16歲時開始了在英國那5年來對於電子音樂的洗禮,深受Sasha & John Digweed影響,完美詮釋英倫前衛舞曲風格,以Progressive思維巧妙揉合Electro/Tech/Minimal多元風格,操縱舞池氣氛順暢而蜿蜒,尤其擅長鋪陳絕倫美妙的起伏,在知名國際DJ Promotion網站Mixupload獲得極高評價並受邀主理美國人氣舞曲廣播節目Transmission。


Stanley Ko
Stanley Ko has been involving with Taiwanese Night Clubs for countless years, He was invited as resident DJ in MOS Taipei and numerous major events, such as Taipei Gay Parade in 2004, Kentin Spring Screen in 2005 & 2006, in the same year, he was nominated as No.1 DJ of mixing competition in Summer Aquarian Beach Music Festival. He had also shared the same stage with some international big names such as Dave Seaman, Phil K and Thomas Penton. Stanely was born in Taipei and was influenced heavily by Sasha & John Digweed, in the age of sixteen; he went study in England where he was enlightened by the innovation of electronic music. By his progressive sense of the music that we can hear variety of the music from his performance which includes: Electro, Tech, Minimal, and melodic Techno. He has been devoting himself forcomprehending the music sensitively that he especially good at building up an overwhelmed journey that amaze clubbers utterly on the dance floor.


MangoDJ Sam頭號大徒弟,聽覺觸角早已深植歐陸,搶先一步嗅出潮流趨勢,不受任何形式與窠臼的鉗制,音樂以十足彈跳的House為基底,加注Techno DNA,節奏反覆行進敲打而又參雜著工業聲響,加入了Tech House的流動與Progressive House的迷幻質感,卻又點綴著Minimal音樂裡空靈迴盪的高頻科技旋律,整體呈現出低調,華麗,又十足科技感的舞曲風格.把你們的耳朵挖乾淨,直接到Party現場聽了就知道!!

丁丁與西西 都市民謠/爵士/靈魂/2007年大學生涯的尾巴:

主唱”大金”、邀請吉他手”胖丁”,一起玩起民謠吉他,一玩就玩上了海洋大舞台,於是只好硬著頭皮、繼續使用這個、在夜市裡可能會一呼百應的人名當團名 → 丁丁與西西。不過沒關係,因為丁丁與西西,對我們而言,不只是一個民謠團體,而是代表著渺小又平凡的你跟我跟他跟我們跟你們跟他們…..的總集合。 丁丁與西西的歌,唱出所有小人物們生活裡的各種疑難雜症;可能是一些答案,也或許還在尋找。夏天來了,在城市裡生活的人們,來一場消暑的城市音樂會,一起來聽丁丁與西西唱歌吧!

劉軒 aka Xuan
( :

Xuan (劉軒) 是台灣尚圈最搶手的音樂指導, 客戶橫跨各產業, 從 Dior, Gucci 到 Nokia, Sony 等精品名牌。早期在茱葉音樂學院主修鋼琴及作曲時, 他深受紐約街頭文化的影響, 包括早期的 hip-hop 和 houe music。隨後他進入哈佛大學主修心理, 做過音樂心理和社會學的相關研究, 並與後現代音樂大師 Ivan Tcherepnin 進修音樂製作, 研討電子音樂概念、音效合成方式、以及聲音和影像結合。在研究所時期, 他在波士頓開的工作室除了錄制當地歌手外, 也為陳美、Moloko 等國際藝人製作 remix, 並為波士頓精品購物中心 Louis Boston 製作時裝發表會音樂。

劉軒在台灣有許多身份。他同時 兼顧數個月刊專欄, 也曾經擔任 WestEast 出版集團的男性雜誌總編輯, 加上他超過15年的打碟經驗, 使他成為時尚圈各大活動所指定的明星 DJ。他的古典音樂素養以及對電子音樂的研究反映在他的 DJ 秀和個人作品之中﹔曾製作的配樂包括微風名媛孫芸芸所代言的 Hitach i時尚家電系列廣告、Sony Cybershot、陳美小提琴電音 remix, 去年也為故宮所製作的, 並在東京動畫影展榮獲首獎的《國寶總動員》譜寫交響配樂。

From Cartier and Dior to Nokia and Sony, Shiuan Liu (aka Xuan, DJ SL) is the most requested music consultant to Taiwan's leading brands. He is also one of Taiwan's top veteran DJs and maintains a weekly residency in addition to several very highly regarded monthly parties. But it would not be enough just to call him a DJ. Juilliard-trained as a classical pianist, as well as being a bestselling author, has allowed Xuan to branch out into successful projects in publishing and composing. He has scored dozens of TV commercials, and just wrapped up a full orchestral composition for the National Palace Museum. In clubs, he remains one of the few champions of the New York 'soulful house' sound, and maintains his philosophy that dance music should be a positive, uplifting experience.


Victor Yeh

Victor Yeh現為法尼客派對品牌執行長,DANCE MAFIA舞曲品牌製作人,自即開啟了DJ生涯。Victor對於音樂品質的堅持讓他在他自己旗下的許多系列派對獲得了高度的評價! 從台灣,香港,加拿大,紐西蘭,美國,南非,英國,澳洲,都有不少支持他音樂理念的樂迷們不曾間斷地參加他的派對活動! 在歷經與許多國內外廠牌如 Swank Productions、 Boogie、Revox回聲唱片、 Dance Department與Tripper Record的結合下,為共創台灣優質的派對文化的努力不遺餘力。Victor在DJ工作之餘,更花心思在提拔後起之後秀的工作上, 06年開始他更投入大量的時間在Tech House, Minimal Techno的音樂領域裡, Victor永遠都是以求新求變的態度去看待這份音樂事業與嶄新的派對呈現! 08年開始他更啟動了最新數位科技Ableton Live搭配Vextax VCM 600 midi controller的演出形式,去除了傳統DJ的演出限制, 以最新科技手法解構多層拼貼的前衛概念,開創了另一種DJ的演出型態, 重新詮釋21世紀舞曲新風貌。


相信大家對Swank DJs並不陌生.. 隸屬Swank DJs的Matty D 五年以來, 從發生在台中的週末Swank Party旋風, 2009墾丁激音改造, 到今年結束了自身修行復出後的首場party跟DJ Spykee Fat在台中造成了全國各地粉絲都往台中跑的瘋狂現象… Matty D曾與 Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Jack Beats (Cheap Thrills UK), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.) 同台演出.. 今後Matty D的Big Beats, 群眾魅力, 還有很爆笑的舉動將會全部在Neon Nights at the Loft 高度曝光.. 各位請拭目以待!

Matty Diesel has been making the dance floors of Taiwan move for the last 5 years. With his distinct blend of electro house , indie dance, breaks, and big ass bass, Matty always brings something fresh.Having shared stages with the likes of Evil Nine (U.K), Jack Beats (Cheap Thrills UK), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Atomic Hooligan (Bass=Win U.K), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.), Spykee (Dance Rock Taipei), plus many other talented djs, Matty Diesel’s passion for dance music comes out at every show. With his animated stage presence, big beats, and interaction with the crowd, every show is different and not to be missed.


預售票   NT$400
現場票價 NT$500


Early bird 美式餐廳 國  語  服  務: Victor 0936212066
English Service: Matty  0910640782
阿米奇(AMICI)義式廚房 04-2327-2488 台中市西屯區精明二街33號
Fubar 04-2310-9401 大業路25-9號(蘇活街)
鈿頭雲篳沙龍   台中市朝富路134號
Unique Haircut & Salon 04- 2319474 台中市大墩12街53號



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